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Troubleshooting API Response Errors

Note that this doesn't cover normal JavaScript errors, only non-2xx API responses

Before you begin, you should know what some terms mean.

Client: You, the person/server running the code that is talking to the API

Server: The PRC API

2xx Responses: 2xx responses mean that the request went through successfully. They will not be covered here, but you can see what they mean here

4xx Errors: 4xx errors are returned if its a problem on the client's end. You can usually fix this by changing your code.

5xx Errors: 5xx errors are returned if its a problem on the server's end. You usually can't do anything about these errors.

4xx errors

400: Bad Request

400: Bad Request

The request wasn't in the format the server requested.

403: Forbidden

403: Forbidden

The client isn't authorised to make this request. This usually means the server key is incorrect.

404: Not Found

404: Not Found

The endpoint you requested does not exist. Check the API Docs again to make sure you're making the request to the right place.

422: Unprocessable Entity

422: Unprocessable Entity

The server cannot or will not process the information given. This usually means that nobody is in the server you attempted to send a command to.

429: Too Many Requests

429: Too Many Requests

You are being ratelimited. If you continue to make requests whilst ratelimited, you may get temporarily banned from the API.

5xx errors

500: Internal Server Error

500: Internal Server Error

Something went wrong processing the client's request. If you continue to get 500 errors, check Roblox Status. If Roblox is up, the PRC API may be down.

503: Service Unavailable

503: Service Unavailable

The PRC API is down.